Saturday, May 28, 2011

Do I still need shots?

That was the question that came from my 40 year old patient here for a routine physical. My answer-yes, you still need to be aware of your immunization status, and get updated "shots" when needed. Creating immunity via an injection (such as a flu shot) offers significant protection from the bad critters (viruses, bacteria) that roam our world. Think that bottle of purel is just as effective? Have you ever anonymously watched people when they think they aren't being watched? We touch ourselves in all sorts of areas that seed our hands with all sorts of critters. Those critters are then deposited on door handles, telephones, cardoors, lunch tables-you get the picture. This should NOT make you a phobic, but should induce you to wash hands regularly, keep your hands out of your nose and eyes (a common way of seeding others, but also seeding yourselves with someone elses smarm), and get your immunizations. The scare concerning illness or injury induced by immunizations is well overblown, and can not be objectively justified. The hope that immunizations will continue to give us more and greater benefit are true. Immunzations for certain kinds of cancers already exist and have proven to work (gardasil for prevention of cervical cancer). More are on the way-my personal hope is that very soon there will be a shot for melanoma since I have a family history. Perhaps other types of cancer as well. I urge you not to be afraid!
So, make sure that you've had your tetanus shot every 10 years, get a flu shot yearly (unless you can afford to miss a week of your life). If you have asthma make sure you've had a pneumonia shot, and if you are over 65 go get a Zostavax (shingles vaccine). Ask your doc next time you see him/her to make sure you are up to date!

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